Valle Varaita runs peacefully for about sixty kilometres up to Colle dell’Agnello, the second highest mountain pass accessible by car in Italy and the third highest in Europe. Wide, shaded and lush, Valle Varaita is rich in naturalistic options, architectural treasures, ancient traditions and tasty cuisine. Besides all that, it still guards the secrets to woodworking.



Visitors will enjoy the sweet aroma of the lower valley orchards and the fresh breezes of Bosco dell’Alevé, and they can explore Bellino’s intriguing collection of sundials. They will love the captivating architecture of Sampeyre and Casteldelfino, and the unending hairpin curves climbing up to Colle dell’Agnello, the main attraction of many legs in the bicycle races Giro d'Italia and Tour de France. Sixty kilometres of stories, flavours and landscapes make Valle Varaita into a long green storehouse that prepares for the future with the knowledge of the present and the past. 

One of the games of light and shadows that chase each other from one slope to the next is highlighted in Valle Varaita Trekking, a 12-day hike immersed in the territory’s most authentic landscapes. The trails lead from Verzuolo to Becetto di Sampeyre, where visitors can admire a statue of a Black Madonna inside the Santuario, from the wildest part of Alevé, in the midst of one of the largest pine forest in Europe, to the village of Chianale, listed among the Borghi più Belli d’Italia, from the quiet hamlets of Bellino to the 19th century Santuario di Valmala. Unexpected places exhibit art and tradition in a mountain environment that was an active part of the forward-looking Repubblica degli Escartons (with the canton of Casteldelfino). This area still holds one of the most ancient and important Occitan festivals in the Italian Alps, the Baìo di Sampeyre.

In Valle Varaita, the greatest emotional heights are reached while hiking, with a variety of excursions ranging from the lower valley to the full 2748 metres of Colle dell’Agnello. This mix of landscapes encompasses the Giro del Monviso, which overlooks Pontechianale with a severe gaze, and arrives at an easy crossing of Pontechianale-Chianale amid fresh breezes in the larch forests. Exquisite landscapes also enhance the climb up to the marvellous Lago Bleu and the panoramic views of Bellino that morph into the wild Vallone di Traversagn. 

Set in the heart of the central valley, the Sentiero dei Sarvanot trail in Rore di Sampeyre allows visitors to discover the woods and their magic residents. In fact, this trail is widely known as one of the most characteristic in the valley, where fairy-tale lore and nature blend seamlessly. 

Getting around in Valle Varaita also means being immersed in the fragrance of freshly worked wood. The area’s typical artisan production reaches its peak between Brossasco and Piasco, which has become famous for making harps and has a museum dedicated to that craft. It is impossible to avoid being captivated by local food, such as the Ravioles, potato and cheese gnocchi drizzled with melted butter, Tomini di Melle cheese, and Crosetins prepared with rye flour.




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