The press area is dedicated to professionals from the world of information and communication. By contacting the Press Office of the ATL for the Cuneo area, you can access textual, photographic and video content useful to journalists and newsrooms. To use these materials, download this form, fill it out and send it to ufficiostampa@visitcuneese.it.
The Press Office of the ATL for the Cuneo area is at your service to support, plan and organize press trips. It also responds to specific requests by providing ideas and materials useful for the publication of information and promotional content dedicated to the Cuneo area.
For all requests for material or further info:
Press Office of the ATL for the Cuneo area
Tel: +39 0171 690 217 – extension 3
Media support and assistance
The ATL for the Cuneo area is available to host and support journalists, bloggers and influencers in its part of the Cuneo area. The ATL periodically organizes press trips, scheduling themed initiatives according to the seasons.
Requirements for participation
Press trips are intended for national and international journalists from the printed press, radio and television, as well as bloggers and influencers. By participating in a press trip, journalists, bloggers and influencers undertake to publish, within 12 months after their stay, content collected during their visit.
The ATL for the Cuneo area collects expressions of interest, but reserves the right to evaluate whether or not to host the professionals concerned, taking into account the targets and reference markets, the actual circulation and coverage of the newspaper they represent, as well as the individual needs expressed by the professionals themselves.
Following the trip, a copy/link of the published article must be sent to the Press Office, in which the professionals are asked to mention the website www.visitcuneese.it and the contact details of the ATL for the Cuneo area, the host institution:
ATL for the Cuneo area – Alpine Valleys and Cities of Art
Tel: +39 0171 690 217 – extension 3
The contents published on the social channels must mention: @AtlCuneese / @Visitcuneese and the hashtags: #momenticuneesi / #innamoratidelcuneese
Clothing and tips
The organizational aspects of the press trips are handled by the Reception Office of the ATL for the Cuneo area. For the outdoor activities offered, the participants must have adequate skills and experience for the type of activity to be carried out. Guests must in any case take into account that:
- if the press trip includes outdoor activities, a lack of suitable clothing may preclude their participation;
- for travel proposals in mountain resorts, layered clothing suitable for the proposed activities is always recommended;
- it is always useful to bring a rain garment, a warmer garment and hiking shoes;
- any specific technical equipment required for outdoor activities will be provided directly on site by the service providers.
The individual participant must have appropriate personal insurance coverage against accidents, theft or damage caused to things and people. The ATL for the Cuneo area will not be responsible for any damage to property or persons due to negligence.
Technical details
The ATL for the Cuneo area will evaluate all the requests received. However, in order to ensure the success of the trip, please promptly communicate your interest in discovering the Cuneo area.
The ATL for the Cuneo area will not bear the costs of stay for any accompanying persons or family members, except in case of proven needs. When joining the press trip, the professional must report any specific needs, allergies and / or intolerances.
The data of the hosted professionals will be processed in the manner indicated in the following note.
In case of sudden impossibility to leave for the trip, please promptly contact the number +39 0171.690217 - extension 1 and write to ufficiostampa@visitcuneese.it and accoglienza@visitcuneese.it. The ATL may still request that the professionals pay a security deposit of € 100 that will be returned to him or her on the day of their arrival in Cuneo and which will instead be retained in case of non-participation in the educational event which he/she fails to communicate at least 3 days prior to the date of arrival.